Is the mattress clean? From well-known brands such as elite mattresses, it is treated as much as possible and you can sleep comfortably, but it does not mean that the mattress or mattress is free of bedbugs. Bed bugs are flat-body pests that like to nest in cloth and wood such as beds and sofas.
Bed bugs, which are very small in size and do not exceed 0.5 mm in size, are extremely dangerous pests and can breed on both mattress types regardless of whether they are hot or cold, which can cause many problems. Spring bed, Latex, or foam mattress. So what are the possible effects of bedbug bites? Check out the following Kania article, OK!
Itching and infections
Bed bug bites can cause severe itching and keep scratching to get rid of itching. Normally, it bites your skin while you sleep, so you wake up only when you wake up and find a scar on your skin.
Scratches on the skin caused by bed bug bites can cause small wounds, and there is a risk of bacteria and bacteria invading the wound and infecting the skin. If you wake up and find areas of skin with inflammation, redness, pain, swelling, or if you have warm, soft lumps that form clustered lines, immediately check with your dermatologist for appropriate treatment. please.
Can cause stress
Living in a bed bug-infested dwelling is certainly very annoying. Not only can it damage furniture such as sofas, mattress sheets, curtains and beds, but bed bugs are also very fast and difficult to control.
Many bed bugs that stay in their homes can cause emotional anxiety and disrupt family health in the future. Therefore, if you find these pests, eradicate them immediately to prevent them from nesting and breeding.
Causes insomnia
If you are bitten by a bed bug while you are sleeping, you will certainly feel uncomfortable and have difficulty sleeping. Needless to say, you can't sleep well because you can think of many bed bugs that crawl in areas of your body.
Of course, this sleep disorder causes problems in the morning, from thought disorders, appetite disorders to interruptions in work in the office.
Cause allergies
In addition to itching, some people may experience excessive allergic reactions due to bed bug bites. This condition is called anaphylactic shock and can cause shortness of breath, blisters on the skin, fever, swelling of the tongue, nausea, and unstable heartbeat.
How to check and remove mattress lice
These pests on many residential furniture, starting with beds, sheets, pillows, bolsters, curtains and other items that use cloth or wood to avoid the spread of bed bugs that can cause health problems. You need to check immediately if is present. Despite its very small size, it is visible to the eye.
If you can't find bed bugs, check for traces of black stains and flea skin flakes on various objects in your house. This shows that bed bugs live in your home, so you can try some ways to get rid of them, such as using them. Vacuum cleanerClean all lice-affected fabrics and spray home with a solution containing pesticides Pyrethroid, Neonicotinoid Or desiccant..
It causes illness and discomfort while sleeping, and then it's time for you to check the bedbugs in your home. Now, make your home and bedroom more comfortable by eradicating all the bed bugs!
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