
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Tomaž Å alamun (July 4, 1941 â€" December 27, 2014) was a Slovenian poet who was a leading figure of postwar neo-avant-garde poetry in Central Europe and internationally acclaimed absurdist. His books of Slovene poetry have been translated into twenty-one languages, with nine of his thirty-nine books of poetry published in English. He had been called a poetic bridge between old European roots and America. Å alamun was a member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He lived in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and was married to the painter Metka KraÅ¡ovec.


Tomaž Šalamun

As members of the Slovene minority in Italy (1920â€"1947), Å alamun’s mother's family joined thousands of Slovenes who left their homes because of forced Italianization and moved from Italy to Yugoslavia, where he was born in 1941 in Zagreb. His father’s family came from Ptuj, where his grandfather had been a mayor. After his family moved to Koper, the local high school teachers of French and Slovene aroused his interest in language. In 1960, he began to study art history and history at University of Ljubljana. His mother was an art historian, his brother Andraž is an artist, and his two sisters Jelka and Katarina are a biologist and a literary historian respectively. Å alamun died on 27 December 2014 in Ljubljana.


In 1964, as editor of the literary magazine Perspektive, he published his iconoclastic poem "Duma '64" (Thought '64). When Ivan Maček Matija, a Titoist hard-liner, saw the dead cat in the poem as a reference to himself (the Slovene word maček means 'cat'), Perspektive was banned and Šalamun was arrested. He spent five days in jail and came out something of a culture hero, but he refrained from including the poem in his first poetry book, which appeared in 1966 in a samizdat edition, full of absurdist irreverence, playfulness, and wild abandon.

Poetry collections translated in English

Several collections of Šalamun's poetry have been published in English, including The Selected Poems of Tomaž Šalamun (Ecco Press, 1998); The Shepherd, the Hunter (Pedernal, 1992); The Four Questions of Melancholy (White Pine, 1997); Feast (Harcourt, 2000), Poker (Ugly Duckling Presse), Row! (Arc Publications, 2006), The Book for My Brother (Harcourt), Woods and Chalices (Harcourt, 2008, translated by Brian Henry), There's the Hand and There's the Arid Chair (Counterpath, 2009), and On the Tracks of Wild Game (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2012). American poets that influenced him include Frank O'Hara, John Ashbery and Walt Whitman.

International reception

Tomaž Šalamun

United States

In July 1970, he was personally invited to exhibit his work at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Å alamun spent two years at the University of Iowa, including one year in the International Writing Program from 1971 to 1972, and lived for periods of time in the United States after that. From 2005 to 2007 he taught at the University of Pittsburgh.


For a time, he served as Cultural Attaché to the Consulate General of Slovenia in New York. Literary critic Miklavž Komelj wrote: "Å alamun’s inventiveness with language has, indeed, never been more dynamic than in his most recent books. But in this dynamism there is also a monotone quality, which the poet makes no attempt to hide. It is as if this ecstasy resulted from spinning endlessly in a circle, like the whirling dervishesâ€"a religious order, incidentally, that was founded by the mystic Rumi, one of Å alamun’s favorite poets....It seems that the intensity of Å alamun’s language lies precisely in the endless insistence of its pulsation."


Šalamun won a Pushcart Prize, as well as Slovenia’s Prešeren Fund Award and Jenko Prize. Šalamun and his German translator, Fabjan Hafner, were awarded the European Prize for Poetry by the German city of Muenster. In 2004, he was the recipient of Romania's Ovid Festival Prize.


Tomaž Šalamun

External links


  • Hass, Robert (2004) Tomaž Å alamun: An Introduction. Poetry International.
  • Tomaž Å alamun bio at Smith College Poetry Center.
  • Tomaž Å alamun bio at Poetry Foundation website.


  • Tomaž Å alamun reading on February 13, 2008: Blackbird: An Online Journal of Literature and the Arts, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Volume 7, No. 2 (Fall 2008)
  • Tomaž Å alamun reading at University of Berkeley, UCTV.
  • Poems by Tomaz Salamun, Trans. Michael Thomas Taren, in Vol. 9 No. 2 of Blackbird: an online journal of literature and the arts.
  • Poems by Tomaž Å alamun and the American poets who translate him, with interviews, in Transom, Issue 3 (Spring 2012).

Interviews and review

  • An article on Salamun in The Guardian.
  • Translator and poet Phillis Levin on Å alamun. Transom Journal.
  • Poet Brian Henry on translating Å alamun. Transom Journal
  • Miklavž Komelj on Tomaž Å alamun Transom Journal.
  • Lukács, Zsolt (2010) Tomaž Å alamun in mistično izkustvo : diplomsko delo (diploma at University of Ljubljana).
  • Poznanovič Omers, TjaÅ¡a (2002) PesniÅ¡ke zbirke Tomaža Å alamuna iz mehiÅ¡kega obdobja : diplomsko delo (diploma at University of Ljubljana).
  • KuÅ¡ar, Meta (1999) Metafizična inteligenca in pesnik prekucuh : Tomaž Å alamun: Morje, Nova revija, Ljubljana.
  • KuÅ¡ar, Meta (1982) Tomaž Å alamun : diplomsko delo (diploma at University of Ljubljana).
  • 2008 Bomb Magazine discussion between Charles Simic & Tomaž Å alamun

2011 Symposium

  • 2011 Slovenska medkulturna neoavantgarda: poezija in svet Tomaža Å alamuna, Koper, Ljubljana, Zagreb.

Tomaž Šalamun
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