The Thomas Merton Award has been awarded since 1972 by the Thomas Merton Center for Peace and Social Justice in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. It is named after Thomas Merton, and is given annually to "national and international individuals struggling for justice."
Award recipients
- 1972: James P. Carroll
- 1973: Dorothy Day
- 1974: Dick Gregory
- 1975: Joan Baez
- 1976: Dom Hélder Câmara
- 1977: Dick Hughes
- 1978: Bishop John Harris Burt & Bishop James Malone
- 1979: Helen Caldicott
- 1980: William Winpisinger
- 1981: The people of Poland
- 1982: Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen
- 1983: not awarded
- 1984: Bernice Johnson Reagon
- 1985: Henri Nouwen
- 1986: Allan Boesak
- 1987: Miguel D'Escoto
- 1988: Daniel Berrigan
- 1989: Comrades of El Salvador & Elizabeth Linder
- 1990: Marian Wright Edelman
- 1991: Howard Zinn
- 1992: Molly Rush
- 1993: Reverend Lucius Walker
- 1994: Richard Rohr OFM
- 1995: Marian Kramer
- 1996: Winona LaDuke
- 1997: Ron Chisom
- 1998: Studs Terkel
- 1999: Wendell Berry
- 2000: Ronald V. Dellums
- 2001: Sister Joan Chittister
- 2002: Bishop Leontine T. Kelly
- 2003: Voices in the Wilderness
- 2004: Amy Goodman
- 2005: Reverend Roy Bourgeois
- 2006: Angela Davis
- 2007: Cindy Sheehan
- 2008: Malik Rahim
- 2009: Dennis Kucinich
- 2010: Noam Chomsky
- 2011: Vandana Shiva
- 2013: Martin Sheen
- 2014: Jeremy Scahill
External links
- The Thomas Merton Center