
Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Princeton University Press is an independent publisher with close connections to Princeton University. Its mission is to disseminate scholarship within academia and society at large.

The press was founded by Whitney Darrow, with the financial support of Charles Scribner, as a printing press to serve the Princeton community in 1905. Its first book was a new 1912 edition of John Witherspoon's Lectures on Moral Philosophy.

Pulitzers and other Major Awards

Princeton University Press

Six books from the Princeton University Press have won Pulitzer Prizes.

  • Russia Leaves the War by George F. Kennan (1957)
  • <li>Banks and Politics in America From the Revolution to the Civil War by Bray Hammond (1958)
  • Between War and Peace by Herbert Feis (1961)
  • Washington, Village and Capital by Constance McLaughlin Green (1963)
  • The Greenback Era by Irwin Unger (1965)
  • Machiavelli in Hell by Sebastian de Grazia (1989)

Books from the Princeton University Press have also been awarded the Bancroft Prize, Nautilus Book Award, and the National Book Award.

Papers projects

Princeton University Press

Multi-volume historical documents projects undertaken by the Press include

  • The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein
  • The Writings of Henry David Thoreau
  • The Papers of Woodrow Wilson (sixty nine volumes)
  • The Papers of Thomas Jefferson
  • Kierkegaard's Writings

The Papers of Woodrow Wilson has been called "one of the great editorial achievements in all history."

Bollingen Series

The Princeton University Press Bollingen Series had its beginnings in the Bollingen Foundation, a 1943 project of Paul Mellon's Old Dominion Foundation. From 1945, the foundation had independent status, publishing and providing fellowships and grants in several areas of study including archaeology, poetry, and psychology. The Bollingen Series was given to the university in 1969.

Other series

Princeton University Press
  • PRINCETON MATH Series in Annals of Mathematics Studies (Phillip A. Griffiths, John N. Mather, and Elias M. Stein, editors)
  • Princeton Series in Astrophysics (David N. Spergel, editor)
  • Princeton Series in Complexity (Simon A. Levin and Steven H. Strogatz, editors)
  • Princeton Series in Evolutionary Biology (H. Allen Orr, editor)
  • Princeton Series in International Economics (Gene M. Grossman, editor)

Selected titles

Princeton University Press
  • The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party's Revolution and the Battle over American History, by Jill Lepore (2010)
  • The Meaning of Relativity by Albert Einstein (1922)
  • Atomic Energy for Military Purposes by Henry DeWolf Smyth (1945)
  • How to Solve It by George Polya (1945)
  • The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper (1945)
  • The Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell (1949)
  • The Wilhelm/Baynes translation of the I Ching, Bollingen Series XIX. First copyright 1950, 27th printing 1997.
  • Anatomy of Criticism by Northrop Frye (1957)
  • Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature by Richard Rorty (1979)
  • QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter by Richard Feynman (1985)
  • The Great Contraction 1929-1933 by Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson Schwartz (1963) with a new Introduction by Peter L. Bernstein (2008)
  • Military Power: Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle by Stephen Biddle (2004)


Princeton University Press

Further reading

Princeton University Press
  • Banks, Eric (April 1, 2005). "Book of Lists: Princeton University Press at 100". Artforum International. 
  • Staff of Princeton University Press (2005). A Century in Books:Princeton University Press 1905-2005. ISBN 9780691122922. 

External links

Princeton University Press
  • Princeton University Press website
  • Princeton University Press: Albert Einstein Web Page
  • Princeton University Press: Bollingen Series
  • PRINCETON MATH series in Annals of Mathematics Studies
  • Princeton University Press Centenary
  • Princeton University Press: New in Print

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