
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Ancient Greece

7th century BC in poetry

Poets (by date of birth)

  • Homer, born near or before the beginning of the century
  • Hesiod, born near or before the beginning of the century in Boeotia
  • Archilochus of Paros (born c. 700)
  • Alcman (dates unknown)
  • Semonides
  • Solon (ca. 638â€"558 BCE)
  • Mimnermus of Colophon (fl. 630-600)
  • Stesichorus (640 - 555 BCE), Himera, Sicily
  • Alcaeus (born c. 620 in Mytilene)
  • Sappho (c. 610 - 580 BCE)
  • Callinus (c. 740 - c. 665 BC)
  • Eumelus of Corinth (late 7th century BC)
  • Tytaeus (c. 700 - c. 640 BC)>


  • Odyssey
  • Iliad
  • Theogony
  • Works and Days
  • Homeric Hymns
  • Aethiopis
  • Little Iliad
  • Iliou persis ("Sack of Troy")
  • Nostoi
  • Telegony
  • Cypria
  • Oedipodea
  • Thebaid
  • Epigoni
  • Alkmaionis

Middle East

7th century BC in poetry



  • King Assurbanipal's library holds tablets that include versions of the Epic of Gilgamesh and Enûma Elish


7th century BC in poetry

Poets (by date of birth)

  • Lady Xu Mu


7th century BC in poetry
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